Last minute availability
Over 60 different suppliers in one place!
“One stop shop” - best prices and greatest availability!
Over 50% of our hotels are 4* and above
24/7 customer service
Free IT support from our team
Excellent response times
Dedicated account manager
Over 15 languages spoken by the team
Experienced, professional and friendly staff

Our Online Booking System
Easy to use - no programming required
Just register with us and start booking
Password protected for each user
Hotels, Transfers and Activities available
“One stop shop” - best prices and greatest availability!
24/7 customer service

Our XML Technology
Seamless integration
IT team to guide you through the process
Fast and reliable XML
Dedicated Key Account Manager
24/7 Customer Service

White Label Solution
Start your online travel business instantly
With little to no programming needed
Your logo on the booking system and vouchers
You add your sub agents and decide the mark up
All reservations can be monitored
Sub agents pay you directly - you then pay us
All you need is a website that has a password protected area
Our IT team will do the rest!

Be one of our Supppliers
We always want to work with new hotel suppliers
If you are a wholesaler of hotels or DMC - please contact us to discuss a mutually benefiting partnership...